Eisuke Yanagisawa
Eisuke Yanagisawa is an ethnographer, field recordist, and filmmaker based in Kyoto, Japan. He is especially interested in listening to and recording the tone and resonance of particular places, as well as exploring their sounds from cultural, ecological, geographical, acoustic, and historical perspectives. The process involves observing and capturing tiny, hidden, and inaudible sounds using various types of microphones. Since 2006, his main research focus has been on the Gong Culture of ethnic minorities living in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. His audiovisual works have been exhibited/screened at various film festivals and museums around the world in countries such as Canada, India, Estonia, Taiwan, the UK, Italy, Germany, the US, Brazil, Japan and others.
「VRでフィールド・レコーディングは可能?柳沢英輔が語る、聴く行為と音の情報量、テクノロジー(聞き手:大石始)」2023年10月、GEMINI Laboratory
対談 柳沢英輔×石田悠晃、月刊『同朋』75巻6号(通巻866号)、pp.6-13、2023年6月、京都:東本願寺出版
「後藤正文が柳沢英輔に訊く、奥深き音の世界」J-WAVE TOPPAN INNOVATION WORLD ERA(2022年6月12日放送)
「ヨハン・ディードリッヒ × 柳沢英輔 インタビュー」by Kansai Art Beat (2017年5月1日掲載)
「フィールドの音を録る きこえる音からきこえない音まで」『これからの創造のためのプラットフォーム 第14回公開レクチャー』(2016年11月5日)@情報科学芸術大学院大学(講演録)
Interview about "Ultrasonic Scapes", interviewed by Tobias Fischer, partly published in Animal Music Sound & Song in the natural world edited by Tobias Fischer & Lara Cory, published by Strange Attractor Press, May 2015
Interview about "Ferry Passing" , the Biennial Edition of VIDEOFOCUS, pp.70-80, February 2015
"Water in borrowed landscapes", tokafi, interviewed by Tobias Fischer, April 2010